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What You’ll See At GD Science Museum
About US
GD Museums is one of the oldest museums in South India and has various experience zones all inside the same campus.
We at GD Museums seek to present the scientific facts and technology in a simple and understandable manner so that people even without basic education can develop their own knowledge and curiosity towards learning science and engineering. We aim at inspiring the next generation and serve the right platform for providing people with a nurturing beginning.
Aside from the obvious experience of art, science, culture and history; GD Museums offer an astonishing gateway into remarkable planning and implementation of meticulous work that can be witnessed all under one roof!
Conveniently situated in the heart of the Coimbatore city on the arterial Avinashi road, GD Museums is accessible easily by all means of road and attracts thousands of visitors every day!
GD Museums has 3 exclusive, state-of-the-art museum spaces such as GD Science Museum, Gedee Car Museum, Experimenta Science Centre & STEM Labs.
GD Science Museum & GD Naidu Memorial Gallery
The idea for building the GD Museums started as early as the 1950’s. During Mr GD Naidu’s foreign visits, he was totally mesmerized by the advanced technology available in European countries, so he brought back new technology, machines or any fascinating products to Coimbatore while he returned and arranged for exhibitions of these new gadgets and machines to educate the public.
These temporary exhibitions were later made into a permanent one. The equipment, gadgets and machinery he brought/collected extensively are displayed here in various categories, some of which are very rare and not available in any other museums across the world.
Thus our GD Science Museum was born in 1950 and is still one of the oldest yet main attractions in the GD Museums campus. It is located on the ground floor of the old building and also houses the GD Naidu Memorial Gallery.
GD Naidu Memorial gallery is located inside GD Science Museum where Mr. GD Naidu’s exemplary life, his service to the community, his innovations and endless achievements are portrayed.
While the GD Science museum gives a glimpse of the evolution of technology in gadgets; GD Naidu Memorial gallery gives a glimpse of the life history and accomplishments of Mr. GD Naidu!
Some of the collections that you find here are very rare and could not be found anywhere else in the world.