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The G D Science Museum was established by Sri. G D Naidu in 1951. Sri. G D Naidu believed that – the best way of learning is to learn by doing.
During his travels far and wide, he was totally mesmerised and thrilled by the advanced technology available in European countries especially Germany. Whatever new technology or machines he chanced upon during his stay abroad, he brought it back with him to Coimbatore. He arranged for an exhibition of these new gadgets and machines for general public and student community, with a demonstrator who explained on how they worked.
This temporary exhibition was not only conducted in Coimbatore but also in other places surrounding Coimbatore such as Tirupur, Erode, Madras, etc. These exhibitions were widely attended by public and student community, in large numbers.
Sri. G D Naidu then decided to make this exhibition a permanent one. He built a huge exhibition hall in the G D Naidu Charities premises and organised these equipment and machineries in categories like domestic equipment, machineries, electronic gadgets, etc. Some of these collections are very rare and not available in any other museums across the world.
Over the decades, the Museum has constantly upgraded and still attracts thousands of visitors every month. One can witness the evolution of technology in gadgets such as Radiogram, Television, Computers, Calculators, Typewriters, Recording Machines, Cameras etc. This enables students to understand how new technology has simplified the product they use today by reducing numbers of parts, miniaturisation and cost reduction.
The G D Science Museum is located in the Ground Floor of the main building. A tour of the Museum would roughly take about 45 minutes to 1 hour.